
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

FOUR Warm Fuzzies in One Day!

When our whole class does something really well we can earn a warm fuzzy to go in our class jar. Once the jar is full we will get a special whole class treat! 

On Tuesday we were all so amazing that Miss C gave us FOUR warm fuzzies in one day! That's a new record for us! 

Here is a picture of us earning one. We walked around the school to PE and back so silently that no one even noticed we were going past! Miss C was very impressed with how considerate every single one of us was of other classes who were busy working. We really are awesome! :-)

Thank you for fundraising!

We had a special assembly on Tuesday morning to celebrate the students who fundraised the most for our school walkathon. The PTA awarded some pretty flash spot prizes, and some of us who fundraised lots got cool prizes too! 

A big thank you to all parents, families, and friends who supported the walkathon and helped their child collect sponsors. :)  

Our first full sticker chart!

In LC 16 we earn stickers when the teachers see us do something really great (they are not easy to earn!). This week Darian filled his sticker chart and got to choose a prize out of the prize box! He chose a 'Dusty' stationery kit. 
Congratulations Darian, you obviously worked really well in class to fill your chart so quickly!  

Lots of us are getting close to the end of our sticker charts now. We wonder who will be next to fill theirs...

Friday, 22 May 2015

Word Power Champ!

Word power is an activity we do on Friday where we have 5 minutes to write as many words as we can.

This week we have a new record! Olivia is our new class champion! She wrote 57 correctly spelt words in 5minutes. Way to go Liv!!

Olivia chose a notebook out of the prize box. We wonder who will write the most words next week...

Genius Hour!

On Friday's we can opt in to a workshop called Genius Hour where we get to explore and research something we are really passionate about. Once we have explored our passion we then present what we have learned to the class so we can pass our new found knowledge on! 

This week Aeva wanted to learn more about lambs, Isabel had some questions about horses, and Phoebe and Cate were interested in finding facts about Spiders. Ethan and Mustafa explored different genres in reading, and Saul and Matthew discovered that Lego used to be made out of wood, then challenged themselves to build the tallest city they could! 

Miss C was so impressed with how we researched this week and learnt some new information from us herself! We really are Genius' :-)

Riverdale School Cross Country!

A big well done to all students for competing in our school cross country on Thursday! It was a great day at the park and we showed excellent school spirit! We all gave it a good go and made our teachers very proud.

Ashlyn, Isabel and Nate all came 1st in their races and were awarded medals from Mrs Peck! Congratulations!!